Wednesday, August 22, 2012

My Home

Has become a battlefield. There is a war that is raging.

that NO longer resembles the sweet precious child that I birthed 25 months ago

Terrible twos, you ask? Well, yes, I hope that's all it is.
It is a constant battle of wills, all day, every day.
First, most important, I obviously love this guy to death. I love that I get to spend my everyday with him. I only hope to remember REALISTICALLY what my days are like at this time of my life.
The weight of parenting bears down on me so much lately. I want to raise my kids into Godly men that are full of love, courage, strength, leadership, dedication, mercy, kindness, giving hearts, with a clear calling (not on their own, but God's call for their life), with humility, and tenderness, men that are 'not of this world', but clearly 'set apart', men who feel responsibility to take care of women, children, and the less fortunate, with integrity, and wisdom.... and I could continue on this list for hours.
Anybody else see how terribly overwhelming that feels?!?!?!
I know V is only 2, but his little heart is ripe and forming thoughts and character already. I just don't want to mess up.
But, I will, and I do, near daily :)
And I find myself relying on prayer more than anything right now....
Anyways so here are a few recent battles:
1) the sharpie marker
J uses one at work everyday, so they are all over our house. We have now had 3 run in's with the sharpie. The first one was not pretty.

On our couch, but I got over. He got a spanking, and time out, the end.
The second go around was when our sweet sitter was with the boys. I'm sure she was traumatized. She called me so apologetic and sweet about it. The damage was minimal.
And the hopefully-final play, was just last week.

I mean, he did some serious work. All while I was unloading the dishwasher.
Okay, moving on to
2)standing or walking ON L
3) stealing toys from L
Every time I turn my head
4)refusing to eat. Period. He probably averages 1 meal a day lately
5)pouring food out. Yep, on the ground, on the couch, carpet, etc.
6) Hitting, screaming, back arching, want to make me pull my hair out FITS
And I'm working my rear off to stay consistent, not give up, and continue to proceed with our predetermined consequences (all of which are no small things)
I think 80% of his day is spent up against the wall with little red thighs :(

But hey,

Love to all,
This jolly mom :)
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone


Hannah said...

Lincoln, I hope I'm laughing at these pictures WITH you. Valin is going to be such a good boy because you are so consistent and such a good mama :) And Lachlan will be perfect from watching Valin learn the hard way haha. I miss y'all!

Lady Harris said...

Yes! You are totally laughing WITH me! Although sometimes through tears, this kid is great entertainment!!!!