Friday, April 27, 2012

The Library

So I decided on a whim this morning to take V to the library for storytime. Right after L's OT we all got ready and headed out the door.
For some stupid reason, literally STUPID, I thought he might actually enjoy it. I thought he might like sitting with other kids and watch some animated librarian tell a story.
Let me start off by describing the way we look when we enter as a threesome to most anywhere. I am usually huffing, blowing hair out of my face, while attempting to keep my sunglasses from falling off my head, mainly bc if they do fall, there is a very good chance that I will not stop to pick them up. My eye is on the prize...getting us to our destination. My shirt, more times than not, is pinned up at my stomach from the 'bend and stand' motion I orchestrate to get the infant carrier on my right elbow. Inside the carrier is a happy little almost-6 month old w/glasses that are inherently in his mouth b/c he has been shaken like a tornado on his 'ride' inside. Behind the carrier is the emergency survival kit (aka the diaper bag) which I use maybe 5% of the time. Unfortunately, I cannot afford defeat in those moments, so on my shoulder it is, all day everyday (outside of the house). On my other side is a toddler. (enough said, or shall I continue?!) He is probably whining and squirming every way possible in attempt to break free and get back to a dog, rock, or absolutely nothing that he saw on the way from the car inside. There is a constant motion that the three of us, as a whole, make in order to balance all that is US.
Moving on.... So we make it inside the library. V is dying to be released, so I put him down and act as if he will calmly hold my hand and walk.
He will not.
So I scurry with 'all' in tow and pleadingly encourage V to follow. He does, just kinda, but I'll accept it.
In the back there is a room inclosed in glass where all the good kids with their good parents are sitting...

That was all I wanted. To be one of them.
So we walked in.
The librarian was starting a song with her puppy puppet singing. This excited V, so he ran up to see the dog. Turns out the 'dog' wasn't so friendly. I set the carrier down and quickly grabbed V. I tried my darnedest to get him to sit in a chair with me. But he was pitching a fit. So we left the room, hoping he would calm and we could come back. But instead he ran around like hooligan....

Meanwhile, all the happy people were singing songs and adding handmotions as if all was right in the room. And you may laugh, but I kid you not, they were singing song after song without any posted lyrics and all the moms were participating and I couldn't help but think it was some kind of setup. Just to make me feel less-than-good about my parenting.
I had no choice but to leave. The whole fiasco lasted less than 5 minutes. It was a complete failure. We returned outside as quick as I could possibly get us there...

I'm fairly certain I heard a witch's cackle as we left the building....
And so, we won't be going back to the library for a while, unless a certain someone is given a tranquilizer first....
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone


Em said...

Oh, Linc! That sounds like exactly what my son would have done!! Have you tried Book Babies at Terry?? The kids can run around and they pass out sheets with the lyrics and rhymes and everything. And then at the end, they dump a bunch of balls everywhere and let the kids go crazy. I don't think I would have even entered that scary, pristine room!! ;)

Jalei & Lane said...

It's hard getting around with 2 kids! I can't imagine people doing it with more. And I too hate lugging that diaper bag around, just in case I might need it. I bring a stroller anywhere I go. Even if it's just to walk inside. That way everyone is buckled in & unable to escape :)

Allison said...

This post is awesome! I relate so much. Every time I try to get out of the house with both of mine, I end up asking myself if it was really worth it!

P.S. Your book is on its way! I am so so excited that you want to read it. I loved your comment, because that's exactly how I felt when I saw the book and read the intro. You'll love it. Her writing style is hilarious.

Jessica Phillips said...

Ha! I love it! I feel this way too..sometimes I wonder if leaving the house is really a good idea!
I also usually end up with snot and/ or food and/or spit-up and/or Dora stickers on me...